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Tie-Breaking Criteria for First-Place Winner of the LCCTM Mathematics Contest

  1. Among those tied for first place, the student with the smallest number of nonblank, incorrect answers will be declared the first-place winner.

  2. If there remains a tie after criterion (1) is applied, this criterion will be applied to those students who are tied for first place and are tied with the least number of nonblank, incorrect answers following application of (1). The student with the largest number of correct answers to multiple choice contest questions will be declared the first-place winner.

  3. If there remains a tie after both criteria (1) and (2) are applied, a random drawing will be held to determine the first-place winner. The Chairperson of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (or a designee in his/her absence) will make the selection. The drawing will be observed and verified for validity by a minimum of three (3) active members of LCCTM who are not the sponsoring faculty of any of the students involved in the tie.

NOTE: In the case that three active members of LCCTM who are not sponsoring students in the tie are UNAVAILABLE, the faculty from Wilkes University will be utilized in their stead.

* Constitution
* Contest Rules
* Membership Form
* Wilkes University
* PCTM Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
* NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

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